Driving & Transportation

Getting around either in your personal vehicle, through community supports or public transit.

Taxi Scrip Program

Work: 905-529-1212 x1
Fax Number: 905-679-7305
Email: Web: Address:
71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5, Canada
$24/book of coupons
Who can access this service:

All those who are eligible for the DARTS program are also eligible for the Taxi Scrip program. This includes individuals with disabilities, and those who are unable to access regular transit service. Eligibility is considered on a case-by-case basis. 

How to apply:

To apply for this service, complete the application form found online and submit it by mail to:

Accessible Transportation Services
c/o 71 Main St. West
Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5

Registered passengers can purchase Taxi Scrip coupon books from the HSR Customer Service Centre (36 Hunter St E), any Municipal Service Centre, via mail, or over the phone. 

Provides subsidized rides for people with disabilities through regular and accessible taxis. Coupons are sold in books that contain $40 value in vouchers, and participants may purchase up to three books each month.

Trans-Cab Service

Phone: Contact:
Web: Address:
71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5, Canada
Hours vary by route, contact for information.
regular HSR fare plus $0.50 premium
Who can access this service:

Refer to website for service area map to determine if the trip origin or destination is included in the Trans-Cab service area.

How to apply:

Travelling from Trans-Cab service zones:

  • Call Blue Line Taxi at 905-525-2583 to request a Trans-Cab pick-up.
  • Tell the driver you’re a Trans-Cab customer, and pay your regular HSR fare or show them your PRESTO card, plus a 50¢ premium. The cab driver will give you a Trans-Cab coupon and take you to your transfer point. 
  • Board the HSR bus, show your Trans-Cab coupon to the Operator, pay your fare and insert the coupon into the farebox.

Travelling to Trans-Cab service zones:

  • When you board your HSR bus, tell the Operator that you need Trans-Cab service, pay your regular fare, plus a 50¢ premium and ask for a transfer.
  • A cab will meet your bus at the Trans-Cab transfer point, give the cab driver your HSR transfer.

A shared-ride taxi service between the HSR and local taxi providers. This service is offered in parts of Glanbrook (routes 20, 27, 35, and 44) and Stoney Creek (routes 2, 55, and 55A) where buses do not currently provide service. 

DARTS Transit

Work: 905-529-1212 x1
Email: Web: Address:
71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5, Canada
Mon-Sat 8:30 am–2 am and Sun 8:30 am–12:30 am
Who can access this service:

People with disabilities who are unable to access regular transit service. Also available to qualified residents of other municipalities while they are visiting Hamilton. Pre-registration is required.

How to apply:

To register, complete an ATS application form (found online), including approval from a health care professional, and submit by mail, fax, or email. 

Accessible, shared-ride service providing door-to-door transportation for registered passengers who are unable to use regular HSR buses due to physical or functional limitations or health conditions. Participants must register with Accessible Transportation Services (ATS), a department of the Hamilton Street Railway (HSR).

Seniors for Seniors Driver Companions

Toll-Free Number: 1-800-889-9482
Web: Address:
21 Hunter St E, Hamilton, ON L8N 3W8, Canada
Contact for information.
fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Open to all older adults.

How to apply:

Contact for information. Visit the website for information about how to volunteer as a driver companion.


Provides driver companions to transport and accompany older adults to and from medical appointments, shopping centres, grocery stores, visiting friends, and other errands. Companions use their personal vehicles and can accommodate seniors with cognitive impairments, walkers, and collapsible wheelchairs. 

Dundas Community Services Assisted Transportation Services

Email: Web: Address:
2 King St W Suite 3A, Dundas, ON L9H 6Z1, Canada
By appointment only.
Fees vary, please inquire with office.
Who can access this service:

Open to seniors and people with disabilities or limited means of transportation who live in Dundas. Users must be independently mobile and cognitively sound. No wheelchairs, but collapsible walkers or canes can be accommodated. 

How to apply:

Contact for information; pre-booking required, minimum one week notice.

A non-emergency, door-to-door transportation service. Volunteer drivers accompany clients to and from medical appointments and grocery shopping.

Stoney Creek Seniors Outreach Services

Dave Cage, President
Email: Web: Address:
Excluding holidays
fees vary by service, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Seniors and people with disabilities who live in Stoney Creek and Winona.

How to apply:

Contact to register for programs. Transportation must be booked two days in advance. 

Non-profit community organization that assists seniors and disabled persons to remain independent and in their homes. Services include: 

  • Transportation services: volunteer drivers will provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping, hair appointments, etc. within the Greater Hamilton Area
  • Household services: assistance with minor home repairs, yard work, or housekeeping
  • Snow removal

Ancaster Community Services Assisted Volunteer Driving

Email: Web: Address:
300 Wilson St E, Ancaster, ON L9G 2B9, Canada
By appointment only.
Nominal fee to help offset cost of gas and insurance on volunteer's car. Clients invoiced on a monthly basis.
Who can access this service:

Ancaster residents who are elderly or have a disability and are in the process of arranging more permanent transportation such as DARTS or have limited or no other means of transportation. Passengers must be cognitively sound and independently mobile. Walkers and canes are permitted.


How to apply:

Potential clients must register with the Program Coordinator.  A minimum of 3 days' notice is required to fill a request. 


This program is designed to support Ancaster clients who have limited or no means of transportation to get to and from medical and/or professional appointments within the Ancaster/Dundas/Hamilton area. This program relies on volunteers to drive seniors to appointments and bring them home. Medical appointments take priority over professional appointments.  

Life Long Care Program

Web: Address:
34 Ottawa St N, Hamilton, ON L8H 3Y7, Canada
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all urban Indigenous men, women, and their families.

How to apply:

Contact to register.

Provides community support services to urban Indigenous clients, regardless of age, who are disabled, chronically ill, frail, or elderly. 

Services include:

  • friendly visiting
  • security checks/reassurance service
  • congregate dining
  • transportation 
  • Aboriginal support

Wheels for Seniors, De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre

Work: 905-544-4320 x234
Work: 905-544-4320 x212
Email: Web: Address:
678 Main St E, Hamilton, ON L8M 1K2, Canada
By appointment only.
Who can access this service:

Open to all Indigenous seniors, those with early on-set aging, and those with complex physical disabilities.

How to apply:

Contact at least 48 hours prior to the appointment to book a ride. Drivers will connect directly with clients regarding time and location of appointment and pick-up locations.

Provides medical transportation to Indigenous seniors, those with early on-set aging, and those with complex physical disabilities. Clients can be picked up and dropped off to any medical appointments within the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Home and Community Care Support Services catchment area.

Glanbrook Community Services Volunteer-Assisted Transportation

Email: Web: Address:
Contact for appointment.
standard prices have been set for local geographic areas in Glanbrook
Who can access this service:

Open to seniors and people with disabilities in the Glanbrook area. Passengers must be independently mobile and cognitively alert. Walkers are permitted.

How to apply:

Contact to register, please book at least 10 business days in advance.

Glanbrook Community Services provides participants with transportation services to medical appointments, dental appointments, errands, to visit friends, grocery and general shopping. Drivers will wait and can assist participants with purchases. Out-of-town trips may be arranged upon request, some restrictions apply. 

GO Transit

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-438-6646
Crisis Line Number: 1-877-297-0642
TTY Number: 1-800-387-3652
Web: Address:
36 Hunter St E, Hamilton, ON L8N 3W8, Canada
Service hours vary by route and transit option, contact or visit the website for more details
fees vary by route and transit option
Who can access this service:

Open to all.

How to apply:

Purchase tickets at the station or pay with PRESTO when boarding the bus or train.

Long-distance within Ontario bus and rail transportation.

Major services are:

  • GO Transit bus and rail service
  • UP Pearson Express rail link between Toronto Union Station and Toronto Pearson International Airport
  • Presto Card electronic fare payment card
  • Triplinx online trip planner

HSR Golden Age Transit Pass Program

Email: Web: Address:
36 Hunter St E, Hamilton, ON L8N 3W8, Canada
Golden Age Pass issued free of charge. Lost, stolen or damaged PRESTO cards will require a $4 replacement fee
Who can access this service:

City of Hamilton residents 80 years of age or older.

How to apply:

Proof of age and Hamilton address are required. Acceptable ID includes a driver’s licence, Ontario photo card, income tax statement, or health card with name and address.

Golden Age Passes cannot be issued in advance of the 80th birthday. If the rider is a Senior Annual Pass holder and turns 80 years of age within the year, they should purchase a Senior Monthly Pass on PRESTO each month until their birthday, when they are eligible for a free Golden Age Pass.

The Golden Age Pass provides free HSR transportation to eligible adults over the age of 80. This pass includes a one-time free PRESTO card. A photo ID will be issued, to be used with the new PRESTO card, which is to be presented to the driver upon boarding. 

HSR Senior Transit Pass Program

Email: Web: Address:
36 Hunter St E, Hamilton, ON L8N 3W8, Canada
Who can access this service:

Adults 65 to 79 years of age.

How to apply:

Proof of age is required to purchase and use senior fares. If you are a young-looking senior, you can purchase a photo ID at the HSR Customer Service Centre.

The Senior Pass Program provides discounted HSR transportation to eligible older adults (65-79 years of age). This includes a PRESTO card. Senior Annual Passes are also available, and is valid for 12 months starting in the month of purchase if purchased by the 13th day of the month. Photo ID is not required, however proof of age must be shown upon drivers' request. Photo ID can be purchased at the HSR Customer Service Centre.

Senior Driver Renewal Program

Toll-Free Number: 1-800-396-4233
Web: Address:
By appointment only.
fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:
How to apply:

A notice is sent by mail when a driver turns age 80 and includes a renewal form and instructions on how to book an appointment.

Items to bring to the renewal session:

  • driver’s licence (or temporary driver’s licence)
  • the licence renewal application, if available
  • corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses used for driving, as well as any used for reading
  • hearing aids, if needed

A program which requires drivers age 80 and older to renew their driver's license every two years. The renewal process includes a vision test, a driver record review, a group education session, a brief written screening exercises, and completion of any follow up items which may include a road test. 

Accessible Vehicle Rentals, Wheelchair In Motion

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-776-1102
Email: Web: Address:
1026 S Coast Dr, Selkirk, ON N0A 1P0, Canada
Closed Saturdays May-Sep
Check website for rates.
Who can access this service:

Must have a legal G-class license to rent a vehicle. 

How to apply:

Make a reservation online or contact for information.

Offers rentals of wheelchair accessible vehicles. Daily, weekly, and monthly rental available. Limited distance delivery and pick up is available.

Banyan Grocer-Ease Program

Web: Address:
688 Queensdale Ave E, Hamilton, ON L8V 1M1
Service fee chart available online.
Who can access this service:

Seniors and/or adults with disabilities. 

How to apply:

Contact to register.

A community support service that provides grocery delivery services to eligible seniors and adults with disabilities who live within the City of Hamilton. Takes individualized grocery lists from clients, shops in the store of the client's choice, and if required puts the groceries away upon delivery. There is a service charge based on the amount of the grocery bill.

If a client is in need of the service, but is not in charge of their finances, the program will work with their caregiver and shop for them and deliver. An extra charge is added to this service.

At Your Senior Service

Email: Web: Address:
53 Golden Iris Cres, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H3, Canada
Hours vary * Contact for details
Fees vary according to service and level of care provided.  Contact for details.
Who can access this service:

Services designed to support seniors and their caregivers

How to apply:

Contact to register

Provides support services by qualified professionals that improve the quality of life for seniors and enables seniors to maintain their independence while living in their home. Hourly, weekend, short term, long term, and respite care available. Staff are properly screened, fully licensed and insured. Services include:

Personal care

  • Exercise and range of motion
  • Transferring
  • Feeding

Companion care

  • Fall prevention
  • Medication reminders
  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Shopping and errands
  • Laundry

Specialty care

  • Alzheimer's
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hip Replacement
  • Stroke