Aging in Place

Supports for staying in your home and staying healthy.

Diners' Club Congregate Dining Program

Carole Taylor, Program Coordinator
Email: Web: Address:
Third Thursday monthly (except July, August, December)
$15 includes meal, dessert, and tea or coffee
Who can access this service:

Older adults

How to apply:

Contact to register

Program offers a monthly nutritious meal and social time at a location in Glanbrook/Binbrook. Participants from outside of Glanbrook are welcome, but must arrange their own transportation. Transportation can be arranged for participants who reside in Glanbrook. 

Welcome Inn Community Centre Diners Club

Ruth Kaulback, Seniors Program Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator
Email: Web: Address:
40 Wood St E, Hamilton, ON L8L 3Y3, Canada
No fee. Donations welcome.
Who can access this service:

Older adults living in the central and north end of Hamilton.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

A weekly dining program for older adults, offering a home-cooked meal and social engagement. Lunch is followed by an afternoon program including live music, guest speakers, games, and more. 

Life Long Care Program

Web: Address:
34 Ottawa St N, Hamilton, ON L8H 3Y7, Canada
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Open to all urban Indigenous men, women, and their families.

How to apply:

Contact to register.

Provides community support services to urban Indigenous clients, regardless of age, who are disabled, chronically ill, frail, or elderly. 

Services include:

  • friendly visiting
  • security checks/reassurance service
  • congregate dining
  • transportation 
  • Aboriginal support

Ancaster Community Services Meals on Wheels

Email: Web: Address:
300 Wilson St E, Ancaster, ON L9G 2B9, Canada
$8 per meal, invoiced monthly
Who can access this service:

Open to Ancaster residents (including Alberton, Lynden, Jerseyville, and Carluke)

  • Seniors who are finding it challenging preparing their own meals
  • Adults who are chronically ill
  • Adults living with a disability
  • Adults convalescing from surgery or illness
  • Adults undergoing medical treatment
How to apply:

Contact to pre-register. 24 hours notice is required for requests or cancellations.

Delivers hot meals to the homes of elderly, convalescent, disabled persons, or any person in need of a meal and unable to provide for themselves. Available on both a short-term and long-term basis to eligible clients. Meal delivery is prepared by Set the Table Kitchen & Co. Food Delivery Service and delivered by volunteers. Specialty diets (celiac, diabetic) may be accommodated upon request.

A regular Meals on Wheels delivery consists of:

  • Full course meal of meat, vegetable(s), and a starch (pasta, potatoes or rice)
  • 10 oz serving of hot soup
  • Dessert

Ancaster Community Service Frozen Meals

Email: Web: Address:
300 Wilson St E, Ancaster, ON L9G 2B9, Canada
Entrée - $6.75; Dessert - $2.50; Soup - $3.00 ; Prices are subject to change without prior written notice
Who can access this service:

Ancaster residents who are seniors, have a disability, or are confined to home.

How to apply:

Contact to register. Meals are ordered every Thursday before 4 pm and delivered the following Wednesday for those eligible for delivery or picked up at the ACS office Wednesday after 12 noon.

Provides meals prepared from fresh foods and frozen the week prior to delivery or pick-up. Offers 35 different entrées and desserts and 7 different soups each week over a 5 week rotation. Meals are delivered to the door or can be picked up at the ACS office. Cooking times and instructions are provided on the cellophane cover of every entrée. Some dietary restrictions available.

Glanbrook Community Services Meals on Wheels (Frozen) Program

Carole Taylor, Program Coordinator
Email: Web: Address:
Contact for information.
Fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Glanbrook and area resident seniors and other adults with physical or developmental disabilities, cognitive impairments, individuals suffering from illnesses and recovering from surgeries, and those who need special dietary planning and assistance.

How to apply:

Contact to register. Meals can be ordered online with email confirmation.

Delivery restricted to Glanbrook, Stoney Creek, Hamilton mountain. 

Service provides frozen meals prepared from fresh foods to seniors and those requiring additional nutritional assistance. Meals are delivered weekly, or can be picked up at the Glanbrook Community Services office. Special diet types available, cooking instructions are provided on the packaging. Meals provided by Ina Grafton Village in St. Catharine's and by Zarky's in Hamilton.

Dundas Community Services Hot Meal Program

Email: Web: Address:
2 King St W, Hamilton, ON L9H 6Z1, Canada
Nominal fee for meals, see website for information. Clients are invoiced monthly, accepted payments are cash, cheque, e-transfer, or credit.
Who can access this service:

Seniors or adults living with a disability. Must be residents of Dundas and do not live beyond the railway line at Sydenham and York Road or beyond the Conservation Area on Governor's Road.

How to apply:

Pre-registration is required. Registration forms may be completed online or visit to fill out the form in person. Cancelations must be done with 24 hours notice.

Provides a hot, nutritious meal for older adults, people with disabilities, or anyone not able to cook for themselves, delivered to their own home or apartment at lunch time. No deliveries on holidays and weekends, but additional meals may be requested to accommodate. Special diet types available. All meals are prepared at Wentworth Lodge Long-Term Care Facility.

Glanbrook Community Services Meals on Wheels (Hot) Program

Carole Taylor, Program Coordinator
Email: Web: Address:
$7.50 per meal
Who can access this service:

Binbrook, Mount Hope, or Glanbrook residents, seniors and other adults with physical or developmental disabilities, cognitive impairments, individuals suffering from illnesses and recovering from surgeries, and those who need special dietary planning and assistance.

How to apply:

Contact to register for a delivery.

Hot, nutritious, three-course meal delivered during lunch hour. Meal includes salad, main course of meat, potato and vegetable, and dessert. Specialized meals can be made upon request. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday, excluding holidays; additional meals may be requested to accommodate weekends and holidays.

Victorian Order of Nurses Meals on Wheels

Web: Address:
414 Victoria Ave N, Hamilton, ON L8L 5G8, Canada
Contact for meal pricing. Recipients are invoiced monthly.
Who can access this service:

Older adults, adults with disabilities, or those recovering from illness or surgery. 

How to apply:

Contact to register.

Provides delivered meals for residents who are unable to attend to their own nutritional needs, yet wish to continue living independently in the community. Volunteers are selected through a screening process and provide social contact as well as monitor the well-being of the client. 

Meals on Wheels (Frozen) - Clients are given several frozen meal options to choose from and special dietary items are also available. All meals can be easily reheated in a microwave or conventional oven.

Meals on Wheels (Hot) - Affordable, hot, and nutritious meals, delivered to clients' doors.

Dundas Community Services Frozen Meal Program

Email: Web: Address:
2 King St W, Hamilton, ON L9H 6Z1, Canada
Nominal fee for meals, see website for information. Clients are invoiced monthly, accepted payments are cash, cheque, e-transfer, or credit.
Who can access this service:

Pickup is open to all. Delivery is available for older adults living in Dundas and not beyond the railway line at Sydenham and York Road or beyond the Conservation Area on Governor's Road, with the purchase of 4 or more entrees. 

How to apply:

Pre-registration is required. Registration forms may be completed online or visit to fill out the form in person. Cancelations must be done with 24 hours notice.

Provides flash-frozen meals for older adults, adults living with a disability or recuperating from surgery, or anyone not able to cook a meal for themselves. Pick-up and delivery options are available. Special diet types available; cooking instructions are provided on the packaging. Meals prepared at Ina Grafton Gage Village in Niagara, specialty meals prepared by Set the Table in Ancaster.

HearingLife Services

Toll-Free Number: 1-888-514-9515
Email: Web: Address:
Hours vary by location, contact for details.
Most fees covered by OHIP
Who can access this service:

Open to all; free hearing tests are available for adults ages 19 or older. 

How to apply:

Book an appointment by phone or online. 

Providing hearing healthcare services, including free hearing tests, hearing aid fittings, a selection of digital hearing aids and assistive listening devices, and counselling and assistance. Also provides information on hearing and hearing loss.

Community Oral Health Program

Web: Address:
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Individuals who experience barriers to accessing oral health services.

How to apply:

Call for information.

Promotes oral health among individuals that are under-served and lack access to adequate oral health care. Services include cleaning, fluoridation, pits and fissure sealants, and check-ups. 

Dental Clinic, St. Peter's Hospital

Work: 905-777-3837 x12336
Web: Address:
88 Maplewood Ave, Hamilton, ON L8M 1W9, Canada
Contact for information.
Fees vary by service, discounted rates and payment plans available. Cash, cheque, or direct billing only.
Who can access this service:

Older adults.

How to apply:

Contact to book an appointment.

Provides geriatric dental care to patients at St. Peter's Hospital, residents of long term care facilities, and seniors in the community.

St. Joseph's Villa Community Medical Clinics

Work: 905-627-9011 x2248
Web: Address:
56 Governors Rd, Dundas, ON L9H 5G7, Canada
Hours vary, services available by appointment only
fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Open to all.

How to apply:

Contact to book an appointment.

For dental services contact Dr. Amanda Wang by e-mail or telephone 905-627-3541 x2353. No referral required. 

Offers medical clinic services to residents of St. Joseph's Villa and older adults in the community.

Clinics include:

  • Compression Therapy
  • Dermatology Services
  • Dental Services
  • Ear, Nose, Throat Services
  • Eye / Ophthalmology Clinic

Home Maintenance Program, St. Joseph's Home Care

Work: 905-522-6887 x2252
Email: Web: Address:
fees vary by service, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Adults with permanent disabilities or seniors ages 60 and older.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Offers assistance with household chores and repairs at a low rate for seniors and people with disabilities. Services include minor plumbing, electrical, and carpentry, heavy cleaning including fridge and stove, organizing closets, basements, and garages, snow removal, landscaping etc. One hour minimum is required.

At Your Senior Service

Email: Web: Address:
53 Golden Iris Cres, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H3, Canada
Hours vary * Contact for details
Fees vary according to service and level of care provided.  Contact for details.
Who can access this service:

Services designed to support seniors and their caregivers

How to apply:

Contact to register

Provides support services by qualified professionals that improve the quality of life for seniors and enables seniors to maintain their independence while living in their home. Hourly, weekend, short term, long term, and respite care available. Staff are properly screened, fully licensed and insured. Services include:

Personal care

  • Exercise and range of motion
  • Transferring
  • Feeding

Companion care

  • Fall prevention
  • Medication reminders
  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Shopping and errands
  • Laundry

Specialty care

  • Alzheimer's
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hip Replacement
  • Stroke

Elizz Help at Home Services

Toll-Free Number: 1‑866‑565‑0065
Web: Address:
1575 Upper Ottawa St, Hamilton, ON L8W 3E2, Canada
Contact for information.
Fees vary, contact for details. Private insurance is accepted.
Who can access this service:

Open to all.

How to apply:

Contact for information or complete the online application form.

Offers a variety of home supports to help older adults live safely and independently in their own homes.

Services include:

  • social interaction and companionship
  • meal planning and preparation
  • groceries and other errands
  • light housekeeping
  • accompaniment to appointments
  • safety supervision

SeePlus Healthcare Services Nursing Care

After-Hours Number: 905-902-7710
Email: Web: Address:
24 hours
fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Open to individuals of all ages who require nursing care or home assistance.

How to apply:

Contact or fill out the online form to apply for care.

Provides nursing care for seniors and individuals of any age needing disease care, special needs care, or mental illness care. Services are offered both in private homes and in nursing homes and health care facilities. Services include:

  • Medication administration and management
  • Comprehensive head-to-toe assessments
  • Wound care and management
  • Personalized nursing care plans

Access Personal Support Ltd. Services

Toll-Free Number: 1-855-777-2411
Fax Number: 905-632-3101
Email: Web: Address:
24 hours
fees vary, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Older adults and individuals with special needs or disabilities.

How to apply:

No referral required. Contact for information about how to register.

In-home health care offered in private homes, long-term care homes, group homes, hospitals, and community settings.

Services include:

  • nursing
  • therapy
  • personal support
  • attendant care
  • homemaking services

Services are provided by nurses, registered practical nurses, personal support workers, and social service workers.

Elizz Personal Care Services

Toll-Free Number: 1‑866‑565‑0065
Web: Address:
1575 Upper Ottawa St, Hamilton, ON L8W 3E2, Canada
Contact for information.
Fees vary, contact for details. Private insurance is accepted.
Who can access this service:

Open to all.

How to apply:

Contact for information or complete the online application form.

Offers home health support to assist older adults with living at home.

Services include:

  • bathing care
  • toileting
  • feeding
  • dressing
  • management of medication
  • complex care and other daily activities

Stoney Creek Seniors Outreach Services

Dave Cage, President
Email: Web: Address:
Excluding holidays
fees vary by service, contact for details
Who can access this service:

Seniors and people with disabilities who live in Stoney Creek and Winona.

How to apply:

Contact to register for programs. Transportation must be booked two days in advance. 

Non-profit community organization that assists seniors and disabled persons to remain independent and in their homes. Services include: 

  • Transportation services: volunteer drivers will provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping, hair appointments, etc. within the Greater Hamilton Area
  • Household services: assistance with minor home repairs, yard work, or housekeeping
  • Snow removal

Glanbrook Community Services Home Support Referral Program

Email: Web: Address:
Who can access this service:

Open to all.

How to apply:

Contact for information or to make an appointment.

Provides information on quality referrals for home cleaning, in-home foot care, in-home hairdressing, home maintenance, lawn maintenance, and gardening. 

Wesley Seniors Outreach Program

Work: 905-528-5629 x301
Email: Web: Address:
467 Main St E, Hamilton, ON L8N 1K1, Canada
Contact for information.
Who can access this service:

Older adults who are socially isolated or at risk.

How to apply:

Contact for information.

Assists isolated, low income, and vulnerable seniors age 55 and older with making social connections and maintaining independence through various activities and community referrals. Outreach programs include one on one case management, and social and recreational activities. Programs are run in various locations in the greater Hamilton area.