Assists isolated, low income, and vulnerable seniors age 55 and older with making social connections and maintaining independence through various activities and community referrals. Outreach programs include one on one case management, and social and recreational activities. Programs are run in various locations in the greater Hamilton area.
Active Older Adult
Social, spiritual and educational community activities, events, programs and learning opportunities.
Wesley Seniors Outreach Program
Older adults who are socially isolated or at risk.
Contact for information.
Falls Prevention Classes
Open to all, with a focus on older adults.
Contact for information.
A free exercise program designed to help seniors stay healthy, safe and strong and promote improved balance, improved strength with prevention of muscle loss, maintenance of strong bones, and increased overall independence. Offered in various locations throughout the Greater Hamilton Area.
Victorian Order of Nurses SMART Exercise and Fall Prevention Classes
Ages 55 years and older. All eligible members of the public are welcome but must have own transportation and be able to participate in a group setting.
Contact for information.
SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) exercise and fall prevention classes help improve strength, balance, and heart health while reducing both social isolation and hospital visits relating to falls. Classes are available in the community, at retirement homes, or via Zoom.
Gentle Exercise Classes - Group exercise for senior adults (55+) who wish to improve their strength, balance and flexibility regardless of physical ability.
Falls Prevention - The program aims to educate individuals on falls risk factors and falls prevention strategies. Classes are taught in a group setting and run twice a week for 12 weeks. Each class includes 15 minutes of education followed by 35 minutes of exercise.
Alzheimer Society Sit to Be Fit Classes
Open to all, with a focus on older adults.
Contact for information or to register.
A free, low impact exercise program designed to help seniors stay healthy, safe, and strong, and promote improved balance, improved strength with prevention of muscle loss, maintenance of strong bones, and increased overall independence.
This program is offered at various locations around Hamilton, see website for locations and schedule.
Falls Prevention and Exercise Classes, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Open to all, with a focus on older adults.
Contact for information.
A free exercise program designed to help seniors stay healthy, safe and strong and promote improved balance, improved strength with prevention of muscle loss, maintenance of strong bones and increased overall independence.
Falls Prevention
A 12-week, group-based program to reduce the incidence of falls and falls related injuries. Programs are taught by a regulated health care provider.
General Exercise Programs
Chair-based exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. This program is suitable for all levels of fitness. Programs are taught by non-regulated health professionals such as a physiotherapy/ occupational therapy assistant or instructors certified in senior’s fitness.
Falls Prevention and Exercise Classes
Open to all, with a focus on older adults.
Contact for information.
A series of free exercise programs designed to help seniors stay healthy, safe, and strong, and promote improved balance and increased overall independence.
Programs include:
- Finding Your Balance - teaches how to prevent falls and participate in exercise to stay balanced
- Sit and Fit - improve balance, posture, strength, and overall health
Theatre Ancaster Adult Programs
Open to all
Contact for information.
Theatre Ancaster provides opportunities for adults from beyond high-school age to engage in both musical and non-musical programs.
Ancaster Over 60 Euchre Club Meetings
No application required.
Seniors' social club that meet weekly for euchre games.
Freelton Strabane Euchre Club
Open to all.
No application required.
Seniors' group that meets regularly at Freelton Strabane United Church to play euchre.
Euchre and Lunch
Open to all.
Drop-in, no registration required.
Enjoy a light lunch and a game of euchre at Case United Church (6180 White Church Road).
Curling Leagues, Hamilton Victoria Curling Club
Contact for information.
Curling Club offering leagues for all ages and skill levels.
Hamilton Wentworth 55+ Games
Open to all 55+ years of age.
Contact for information.
Organizes Olympic-style tournaments for seniors to increase social interaction, physical fitness, and mental well-being. Wide selection of events are available for participation.
Canadian Punjabi Seniors Association
Contact for information.
A seniors' Punjabi Group, which runs daily card programs at the Dominic Agostino Riverdale Community Centre.
Club de l'Age d'Or Notre-Dame
Open to all ages 50 and older.
Contact for information.
A seniors' club for the French community in Hamilton. Includes activities and a soup lunch.
Dundas 55 Plus Group Programs
Open to anyone 55 years of age and older.
Contact for information.
Programs offered by a volunteer group dedicated to encouraging adults over 55 in Dundas to participate in programs that promote and enrich active lifestyles. Classes are offered seasonally (spring, fall, and winter) and include activities such as a variety of exercise classes, ukulele, choir, dancing lessons, and more. Local events of interest are also promoted.
Gruppo Dell'amicizia
Italian older adults.
No application required.
Italian speaking seniors meet for prayers, activities, coffee and cookies. Annual summer picnic in July and a dinner event during the spring or summer.
Limeridge Retirees Club Program
Open to all older adults.
Drop-In, no application required.
A seniors' club with activities that include euchre and bingo. New members are invited to visit for a few weeks before committing to an annual membership.
Mount Hope Seniors Club
Must live in the City of Hamilton including Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, Glanbrook, Hamilton and Stoney Creek
No application required.
A senior's club providing a social afternoon of card playing.
Social Club, Red Hat Society
Open to all women.
Apply through website, or call for more information.
A social club for women from all walks of life, promoting fun and friendship with like-minded women. Women over the age of 50 wear Red Hats and purple clothing, while women under 50 wear Pink Hats and lavender clothing.
Seniors in Motion (S.I.M) Gym
Open to anyone in the community ages 55 and older.
Contact or drop-in to complete initial assessment and join
Offers a variety of weekly fitness classes and exercise equipment for older adults. New members meet with a personal trainer to set fitness goals and learn to use equipment safely. Class schedule is available online.
Classes include:
- Dance Fitness
- Falls Prevention
- Gentle Strength
- Sit and Be Fit
- Spin
- Strength
- Tai Chi Fitness
- Yoga
Shalom Village Fitness Club
Shalom Village residents, and all Hamilton area seniors over 65 years old.
Written doctor's consent is required. Contact to book an initial intake appointment.
Fitness centre for older adults, with individualized programs designed to meet client's goals.
Equipment includes:
- Keiser-strength training equipment (chest press, lat pull-down, leg press, military press, calf strengthening, triceps press, biceps curl, lower back strengthening, leg extensions, leg curls, upper back strengthening machines)
- Cardiovascular exercise (Nusteps, recumbent bikes, upright bikes, an arm cycle ergometer, treadmills
- NeuroGym equipment (sit-to-stand trainer, bungee walker, pendulum stepper)
- Free weights, bands and tubes, exercise classes for various levels of mobility
Home Library Service
Open to Hamilton residents who are homebound or institutionalized for three months or longer because of age, illness, frailty, or caregiver responsibilities.
Online application form may be submitted by a family member, friend, or caregiver on behalf of an individual.
Canada Post offers a Delivery Accommodation Program to help return packages to the library. Please call Canada Post at 1-844-454-3009 for more information.
Provides library material to Hamilton residents who cannot access Hamilton Public Library services on their own. Library staff select material based on individual's needs and interests. Items are mailed directly to the individual each month. No late fines will be charged for overdue material.
Library material may be returned in any of the following ways:
- Postage-paid return envelope (included with each mailing)
- Items can be returned on member's behalf to any library branch
- Library drop boxes are accessible 24/7
Glanbrook Community Services Fitness and Exercise Programs
Seniors and adults looking to maintain health.
Contact for information.
Offers exercise classes for older adults. Classes offered to suit a range of physical abilities.
- Active Fit: moving exercise program for active seniors who wish to improve cardiovascular rhythm and hand-eye coordination
- Gentle Fit: adapted exercises for older adults who need a slower more gentle pace
- Strength and Stretch: seated/standing class including warm up, progressive muscle conditioning/strength training using light resistant bands/weights and ending with a top to bottom stretch
Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion
Open to women ages 19 and older.
Contact local Legion Branch for more information.
Women's group that supports the Legion and its members, as well as community groups. Also engages in social activities such as luncheons, euchre tournaments, and more.
Seniors Club, Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Veterans
Open to all.
Contact for information.
A club open to those affiliated with the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry regimental family, as well as all members of the community. Activities offered include euchre, darts, cribbage, bingo, snooker, dances, tribute shows, crafting classes, and more.
Falls Prevention Safety at Home, St. Joseph's Home Care
Open to all age 55 and older.
Referral from health care providers, caregivers, or family members, or self-referral. Contact for details.
Provides home assessments and recommendations at no cost to help seniors remain safe and independent in their homes, and falls prevention education program to both seniors and caregivers.
Safety at Home services include:
- free home assessments
- referrals for installation of assistive devices, minor home repairs, and modifications
- subsidies for assistive devices (such as grab bars) and coordination of installation for those who qualify
- fall prevention education
- community and professional presentations
Social Club, Order of Sons of Italy of Canada
There are three membership tiers. Full members must be of Italian descent by blood or marriage. Anyone is permitted a social membership. All members must be 18 years of age or older.
Fill out the online application form to apply for membership.
A fraternal organization of Canadians of Italian heritage with activities focused on service, charity, heritage, and community involvement. Offers social activities and committees for members such as wine tasting, choir, FC soccer club, cooking groups, and charity golf and bowling clubs.
Senior Support, Hamilton Jewish Family Services
Adults aged 55 years and older.
Contact for information.
Offers a variety of supports and services for older adults, including:
- Adult Day Program: One-on-one opportunities to work with staff, skill development, and social interaction. A primary focus of this Day Program is to provide social inclusion opportunities.
- Education: Includes courses, groups, and worships on topics including positive aging, long-term care access, estate tax, technology usage, and more.
- Social opportunities: Kibitz Corner, games, coffee and chat, and more.
- Seniors Counselling: Drop-in counselling with a Social Worker.
Print Disability Library Services, Centre for Equitable Library Access
Canadians with a self-declared print disabilities as defined by Canadian Copyright Law. Must have a Public library card.
Contact local public library to register for CELA services or visit CELA website.
Supports public libraries in the provision of accessible collections for Canadians with print disabilities and champions the fundamental right of Canadians with print disabilities to access media and reading materials in the format of their choice, including audio, braille, e-text. This service acquires, produces, and distributes published works in alternative formats to Canadian public libraries and provide public libraries with advice, training, and information to support their patrons' access to and use of these collections.
McMaster University Student Services
Requirements vary between programs. Contact individual programs for more information.
Older adults enrolling in free tuition must meet the admission and prerequisite requirements.
Contact or visit the website for additional details.
All applicants for undergraduate degree programs must apply through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC).
Visit the website for more details and additional application instructions.
Offers post-secondary education in faculties of Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, Social Science, the DeGroote School of Business, and the School of Graduate Studies.
McMaster University is partnered with Mohawk College and Conestoga College to offer collaborative combined degree and diploma programs.
Also offers secondary services for international students, indigenous students, accessibility, special needs services, and the student wellness centre.
Individuals age 65 or older can receive free tuition. Anyone can apply to enroll as a listener or auditor to attend classes without receiving grades or credit.
Student Services provides services such as:
- Program enrolment assistance
- Timetable information
- University/College transfers
- Payment of program fees
- Aid and award forms
- Student card replacement
- Diploma requests
Student Services Office is located at the Office of the Registrar in Gilmour Hall, 108.
Silver Mountain Euchre Club
Open to all seniors.
No application required.
A seniors club which holds social activities and euchre games.
Seniors Centre Without Walls
Hamilton residents age 55 and older.
To register call 905-526-4084 or email
A program that provides free group recreational activities for older adults over the phone. Allows participants to socialize and join in on special guest workshops, trivia, Family Feud, brain games, story breaks, and fitness classes.
- Programs are multi-person phone conversations (or conference calls).
- No special equipment needed – any phone will do
- Each phone session averages 5-10 people on the call
One-on-One Tech Calls, Cyber Seniors
Open to all seniors.
Phone or visit website to book an appointment.
Offers one-on-one phone support for seniors who need help using their computer or mobile device. Appointments are made with youth volunteers and are 30 minutes in length.
Technology Webinars, Cyber Seniors
Open to all seniors.
Sign up for webinars online. No registration is required to view previous webinars.
Offers daily webinars. Subjects include technology and computers, exercise classes, meditation, and virtual world tours. All previous webinars are available online.
Centre de Santé Communautaire Support Services for Seniors and Vulnerable Persons
Services for French-speaking persons aged 55 and over, or over 18 and considered vulnerable.
All individual services are by appointment only. Contact for information.
Providing support services for older adults and vulnerable persons, including:
- Home care services for eligible clients
- Case management
- Community social worker services
- Nursing services
- Occupational therapy services
- Oral hygiene services
- Foot care services
- Falls prevention
- Exercise programs and workshops
Empowerment Squared Digital Literacy Classes
Open to all adult newcomers and members of Black and marginalized communities.
Contact for information about registration.
A free digital literacy program that is offered to newcomers and members of Black and marginalized communities to learn beginner and intermediate computer skills.
Topics include:
- internet searching skills
- keyboarding skills
- internet safety
- Microsoft Office
Support is structured toward applied uses, including preparation for using technology in the workplace, and communication, engagement, and getting information from organizations such as school boards and government.
Elder Abuse Prevention Training and Webinars
Open to all.
No application required.
Offers a variety of recorded training videos and educational resources to help prevent elder abuse in Ontario.
Materials cover the following forms of abuse:
- financial abuse
- emotional abuse
- physical abuse
- sexual abuse
- neglect
Life After Fifty-Five
Anyone over the age of 55. Newcomers welcome.
Contact for information.
Informal, weekly group to reduce social isolation amongst seniors and build strong community supports. Casual conversation aimed on improving English language skills and cultural awareness.